Wow. Ok…it seems the world has gone a bit mad. And with all of the stress, and social distancing (moms I SEE you stuck at home with those babies. Everyday feels like a bad groundhog day joke. BLESS YOU) I thought you guys could use a laugh. It’s pretty well known that I am socially awkward. The fact that I make a dang living speaking in front of people is not lost on me. But it seems to do nothing to cure my…awkwardness. So I have story for you that happened to me this week.
This week I had to go to Walmart vision center. I needed new contacts and evidently if you “elect” to use your insurance to cover them then you have to come in to sign for them. I did NOT want to go. Social Distancing and all. So here is what happened during my outing.
Me “You have to go out. Just be normal. Do not do anything to be awkward or call attention to yourself. “
A few things. One....I’m sure I was reported as a “possible case” and poor lady probably called ALL the people and reported a possible exposure. Bless. Two....y’all that have seasonal allergies. Bless you. And do NOT leave your house. Ain’t nobody believin it’s “just a tickle” anymore. Three....I feel so bad for her. Things are so dang scary right now and I’m sure I scared her to death. Bless. Just all of the blessings today for all of the things.
Side note....as I’m leaving the ELDERLY lady that was helping folks check out yells “all that pollen out there gettin to me too. I just shove some Vick’s up my nose every mornin. Works like a charm!” Then she proceeds to open palm wipe straight up her nose. I. Can. Not. Make. These. Things. Up.
So as we navigate our new normal, hang in there guys. Finding things to laugh at every day brings me joy. Watering my plants, eating dinner with my family, morning and evening walks brings me joy. Laughing at myself and trying to make light of what seems to be an overwhelming situation brings me joy. Find the things that bring you joy. Focus on those. Extend grace…to yourself, to your family, to others. Mamas with littles, you get an extra prayer from me. I seem to be in the “lucky” space which is I have two teens in the house that were already practicing social distancing from the parentals. Bless. Much love to you and your families as we navigate this time. We can do this. We are doing this. Some of us just a little more awkwardly than others.
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